Saturday, April 26, 2014

HOT MOVIE TRAILERS (2014-2015) COME ONE!, COME ALL! To the One Website where you can see all of the upcoming movie trailers of 2014 - 2015. Action videos and free movies. Science fiction and fantasy, yes, but also comedy, romance, teen, adventure, family movies, and all other genres. Sports: "Football: Glory on the Gridiron". Also the following gems: "Lucy"; "22 Jump Street", Official Red Band - Trailer #1; "The Iron Giant"; "The Raid #2: Berandal" (incredibly violent); "GODZILLA" (extended look trailer); "A Million Ways to Die in the West" (official red band trailer #1-2014); and a full-length HD movie, "This Boy's Life" with Leo trailers every week. Look for special articles on how to write Fantasy and Science Fiction; an article about appreciating good Fantasy, its sub-genre of Science Fiction (and all of the sub-genres of science fiction); and an article by a layperson that explains the WHOLE THEORY OF THE COSMOS-its birth, purpose, and unity-in plain language. AND, if you do not mind, we would love to hear your opinions and comments when something strikes home for you; or dismays you. Thank you. SEE YOU ON MONDAY!! GoTo:

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Dearest Friend, you have been so patient and so supportive of me through months of silence. I thank you for your loyalty. Now, I have the best of possible outcomes to report to you.

After several months of an illness that kept me straight-jacketed mentally and emotionally, I have finally begun to write again. This will be my first foray into new ideas and a brand new outlet for my writings and thoughts.

As of the first day of this week, I am the owner of a brand new Website, devoted to all things Science Fiction, and seeking the truth and theory of the entire Cosmos and how it all works between you and I, and our Higher Power.

I would like to welcome you to my new website and I hope that we can continue our long association. I shall keep this Blog up and write about personal issues here, while saving my Science Fiction news and views for the Website.  is the url of this new website. I hope that you will give it a shot as you enjoy new Videos, Articles, e-books, audio-books, discussions of the Cosmos and our part in its energy and future, history of Science Fiction, new book and movie trailers, 1930's-to-present comic-book videos, How-to write science fiction articles, Science Fiction Museum in Washington D.C., biographies and sample-of-work articles of famous Science Fiction writers and producers; and so much more that I will let you discover for yourself.

With all of my heart I thank you for being so understanding of my mind and heart. Now, I hope that I can reward you with new experiences and a chance to speak out on many different subjects.

I may write for stretches of time as new challenges confront my family, but I imagine that the new website will take a great deal of my energy as we develop new projects and speak out on spiritual issues that face all of us across the world that we love and survive on. You can see new posts advertized on Twitter if you continue to visit this site, as well as a running comment on the new website.

I have come to love you and respect you very much over the last years and you are my real treasure, outside of my family, that I have grown to trust implicitly. Please come to the website and leave your comments on how it can be improved, and what you find most interesting; also, what you would like to see added. There will be games and contests over the months and I hope to be able to get great discussions going on what is the best of sci-fi, where The Holy One fits into the scheme, and your views on what makes the Cosmos run and how it came into being.

Thank you once again for being here for me over the years, and I hope that you will return often to hear what my heart is feeling and experiencing.     (all lower-case letters)

Love, Davalene R. Hirsch