Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Memories

Dearest of friends, I want to thank you for your loyalty, in that you are back right after the holidays. You give me the reason to get up in the morning and write. You inspire me with your interest and have helped me many times to struggle onward. Today I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and may it bring you all of your righteous desires in this very fortunate date of 2013. Thirteen is a spiritual number that brings joy and wealth to your soul, and sometimes to your pocket. But it is definitely a change number and I believe it will have a profound affect on the governments around the world and that there will be a significant rise in communication between the people whose land resides in safety and those who loose their homes. Human hearts will open to the thought that they can help their down and out relatives and there will be much sharing and cooperation between them. Family and friend bonds will strengthen each other in their common goal of being individuals yet be able to help those who are struggling.

As I am contemplating this day I am wildly excited! Today we shall see Baby Milani for the first time and William and I will be spending 5 days with Poppy helping her out. It will be a great bonding experience and I am thrilled to be able to see my second great-grandchild.

WE are a very fortunate to be able to visit Poppy and Baby Milani and share in the miracle of her birth. A chance to whisper in her ear about her brilliant future and all of the joy that will encompass her life. A chance for her to hear all of our love for her.

So, as you can tell, we are on the way to go to Poppy's home in Dover, De. She lives there with her husband, Terrance, and his mother, Rhonda. I hope I fit in to the family and that we can have joyous moments when we talk about past events. I will not be by my computer for 4 days-until January 1st, 2013, but expect to hear about the family interactions, joys and frustration that we encounter at Poppy's home and about a wonderful mother learning her way around the visicitudes of motherhood. Poppy is going to do just great; she has a passion for motherhood and her Milani, that is beautiful to see. I am so proud of her. And Poppy has settled into a good routine.

I hope that you had an absolutely wonderful Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!

I will return to my blog on January 1st, 2013, or before, if there are problems that bring us home.

God bless and keep you in His loving arms and may all of your problems reach His heart so you can be freed of the pain and can find the sense of life once again.

Love, Davalene Hirsch...Happy New Year!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Good morning my dear friend. To catch you up on my little family news, Poppy has gone into labor and little Milani will be born today. Today is the birth date of her great-aunt Carol, who also passed away later in the day after blessing us with the joyous spirit of Christmas time. She was a spirit of joy and I am going to suggest that this little bundle of joy be given the Hebrew name of Rivkah Leah HaSimcha bat Sarah Rachel bat Rivkah Leah Ha Simcha bat Davida Ruth; or Rebecca Leah the Joy, daughter of Sarah Rachel, daughter of Rebecca Leah the Joy, daughter of Davida Ruth. In essence she will be named for her grandmother, Rebecca, both in her given name of Milani Rebecca Brown, and in her Hebrew name. So my heart is filled with joy and gratitude and in this spirit I tell you the stories about my encounter with alien star ships and the story of how my entire family was saved by an unknown entity one dark night on a lonely, winding, mountain road.

One afternoon about 3:00 in the afternoon, in fall of 1999, Bruce and I were heading home up the old dirt road that climbed up 5,000 feet into the sharply pitched mountains were we lived. We were in the white truck with 4-wheel drive which was needed because of the rough quality of the road and by the fact that on both sides of the road were steep drops and you needed to be as sure-footed as possible.

We rounded a turn in the road, and suddenly, coming from the left side of the truck and traveling right above us was what looked like a small comet, trailing flames, and heading directly into the side of the mountain to our right. A steep canyon was between our road and the side of that mountain. I screamed at Bruce to look at the comet and that I was afraid it was going to crash into the side of the mountain to our side. Bruce and I watched the comet head straight for the mountain side. There was no chance for survival of the object because it was traveling at enormous speeds. Just at the moment of impact, right before our eyes, the object disappeared completely.

We sat there and stared at the mountain side and got out of the truck and looked around, but there was nothing to see and no evidence of fire. What can move so fast and then disappear into thin air?

One morning in November of 2003, Ed and I were traveling down a main street in downtown El Cajon, California. Ed was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We were stalled in traffic, waiting for a light to change when suddenly, hovering over the hood of our car, was a tiny, perfectly-shaped "flying saucer," made purely out of bright light.  As we sat in our seats, stunned, we watched the tiny ship pass through our windshield, pass between the two of us, and then travel out of the back window and fly away from the car. It happened in "slow motion" and Ed and I watched it closely and carefully and discussed what was happening between us. We were totally shocked because we had never heard of any alien star ship being so described before, but we had observed its motion for the length of the wait for the traffic light to change. It was just a regular, sunshiny day; traffic and people all around us. I have no idea if anyone else saw what we saw, but we could not deny what we had seen, and felt rather blessed to have observed it.

Neither space vehicle made any noise, but both incidents are burned on my brain. Both incidents caused a feeling of peace and tranquility to come into our hearts and we did not go around talking about what we had witnessed because it felt sacred.

When my children were all little, in 1977, all of us were in our little Rambler (five children and myself) heading home to El Cajon, California, from Palm Springs, California. We had been visiting my parents for the Christmas season. Charles, the children's father was overseas in the Navy, so we made the trip by ourselves. I always chose to make the trip at midnight because then the children would sleep throughout the long, three hour, drive. The road we took led through the desert, up into the mountains, and then dropped down steeply into Lakeside, California.

I loved traveling at night because of the deep peace and quiet that surrounded us. We would never pass another car and the road wound slowly through the back-country. I never felt fear because we would all pray for protection before we drove off from my parents and during the drive I would talk with Heavenly Father. You would feel so close to Him out in His world, all alone. And I would also talk to the sky, in general, and welcome any people in the Cosmos to visit with me and I would welcome them with love and acceptance. There were so many stars in the dark, cold night, and I felt so strongly that God had children all over the Cosmos and that one day we would get a chance to meet them, and welcome them. I prayed that if such a situation arose, that I could be a part of it. But I never saw anything unusual in the night sky.

On this cold, winter, evening the children were all bundled up and asleep beside me, and in the back seat. We were almost home and moved slowly along the very winding mountain roads until we were almost to the Lakeside "Drop". This was a sheer drop of 3,000 feet from the mountains around Ramona, down into the valley that is Lakeside. The road had hairpin turns in the last stretch and the nose of the car was pointed straight down. It was at this juncture that I fell sound asleep that night. I guess the warmth of the car had made me drowsy and I had all of the windows rolled up tight so the night air could not brace me.

Suddenly, I came sharply awake. My hands were in my lap and some force, entity, was steering the car using the steering wheel. I observed this as I watched the car travel safely around the sharp curves as we dropped precipitously into the last stretch before Lakeside. I grabbed for the wheel, but there was a force in control of the steering and it did not let go until I was wide awake and back in control of the car. I brought the car to a stop as quickly as I could and pulled over to the side of the road. There I checked my children and then prayed a hearty thanks to God that He had sent His angels to drive the car for us, and save all of our lives. It took me a good half hour before I could get the courage to drive again. I woke up the children and told them how their lives had been saved and we spent all the time it took to get home discussing the phenomenon and thanking God for our lives.

Angels or aliens, or what would your conclusion be?  All I know for sure was that the experience was terrifyingly real and salvation was brought about by the hand of God. That is my testimony.

Have a great eve of Christmas Eve and may all of your dreams come true and may you be deeply blessed. Thank you, ONE, for blessing us all.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Most scientists are now coming to the conclusion that believing that there is life on other planets is a logical stance. It seems beyond reason that in all of the trillions of star systems there are in existence in the Cosmos, that not one of them contains life of some form.

Scientists are coming to the conclusion that there is a grand force that holds all together in the universe (dark matter/energy), I believe the Grand Force is Love, or ONE.

It is my belief that there are energy forms living on a great many planets in the Cosmos. Some are less advanced than we are at this moment, rather like the Dark Ages on Earth, and there are planets where the citizens are very advanced from our state-no famine, no poverty, and advanced technologies and spirituality. There are citizens of the Cosmos who have developed spiritually and reach out to help other less-advanced societies.

I believe that we have been visited by ancient cultures when we were having grave struggles that-left to our own resources-could have decimated the planet. I believe that ancient aliens have appeared on Earth whenever the physical planet was threatened by cataclysmic events, or humankind had descended into negativity of spirit and had no hope for reaching positive solutions to their problems. When the result of human actions has led humankind to the brink of their own extinction, then human beings have been approached by a race of beings, not greatly different from our own selves. In fact, able to breed with our species. This group of beings have energy forms exactly like our own and worship the great Force that has created, bonds, and unifies the entire Cosmos. We all love and worship the one and only, ONE (no matter the name we give Him/Her-ALL). When our alien brothers and sisters see that Earth is in grave danger physically or spiritually then this is what happens: (Genesis 6:1-4) "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

So, according to the Bible and other spiritual scriptures from around the world, these "sons of God" come down to Earth and teach us great concepts and give us leadership to bring us back from the brink of destruction.

I believe that we are all spiritual brothers and sisters; all children of ONE and I believe that friends from across the Cosmos have bred with humans over the centuries in order to help us to evolve more quickly into spiritual and technological giants.

Are these citizens from the Cosmos all pure positivity and light, or are they each unique beings, as we are, with those among them that are very negative? I believe that the only difference between us is the amount of knowledge of the Cosmos that we have, and the level of spirituality of our energy forms at this moment. So there will be the good, the bad, and the ugly amongst them. However, I believe that the fact that our planet is still alive and growing spiritually and technologically is proof that they are not here to destroy us, but to help us grow and develop.

Mistakes and misunderstandings will develop amongst us because we are still all living life games with their ups and downs; positivity and negativity. But the theme and force of the entire Cosmos is LOVE and that is what is what we are here to express whether on Earth or on a planet unknown to us.

Tomorrow, my personal experiences with UFOs and an unknown entity.

Friday, December 21, 2012


This will just be a short note today because we are leaving for Delaware at 1:00 pm. to witness the birth of my great-granddaughter, Milani; may God bless her mother and family on this day.

And what a beautiful day it is! The fact that it is, is beautiful. That God has had mercy and spared us from the predictions of humankind, all of humankind, is the greatest treasure we can receive. We can turn to our loved ones and rejoice in the fact that we still have each other and can still experience love and tzuris.

But we have had a heads-up warning that at anytime nature can go awry or some idiot has decided to threaten the world with nuclear weapons, so live for loving today, and plan on living in love the rest of your life game; we have been spared because there is a real possibility that humans from around the world are beginning to reach out and touch each other and go for a feeling of love and unity with all of our brothers and sisters around the world. I believe that if we take a hard look at our attitudes we will see that having an attitude of love benefits us as well as all others. We can save our world if we are united in spirit and work together.

Thank you Lord, for protecting our planet and giving us an opportunity to resolve our differences and spend our lives living for positive joy; which comes from freely giving love to others.

Have one of the best days of your life and enjoy the next few days of preparation for Christmas and Kwanza. May this be a year of blessings for each of us.

I will be back on Sunday and will be talking about UFO's and aliens and why I am convinced in my mind and heart that they do exist, maybe in our world, but absolutely from somewhere in the Cosmos. It is illogical to keep believing that we are the sole inhabitants of the Cosmos; it is hubris to consider that all of the Cosmos was built only for Earth human purposes. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Throughout this past year I have been writing about the Mayan Doomsday Prophecies concerning the end of the world coming to pass on December 21st, 2012. Also supposedly issuing prophecies about this day are Nostrodamus and The Revelations of St. John.

Now, tomorrow, in just 12 hours, there will be the alignment of the planets that some say will cause the world to suffer all manner of traumatic natural disasters and essentially all life on the planet may be destroyed, or at least battered badly. Many people have prepared for these calamities by storing food and water, setting up a defensible shelter, and going through exercises to prepare for whatever nature throws at us. A large part of the world have become survivalists; of course the majority of the world's people have no means to prepare even the evening meal, let alone store food and water in any quantity. So let us just say that a minority have prepared for "any" eventuality, but most of us have just stored what we can for food, water, and medicines for a week or so; as much as we could afford to put aside, and have a radio, flashlights, a propane stove, propane and batteries on hand. Gas up the car and take some cash out of the bank; take some out in quarters or dimes to use for bartering if the need arises.

So, we are prepared as much as we can be according to our circumstances. I do not believe that tomorrow will bring traumatic natural disasters, but I think that some of the people around the world may use the "threat" of calamity on 12/21/12 as an excuse to cause disruptions or mayhem in order to make personal or political gain.

So what do we do next? How and what to prepare? There is nothing that we can do personally to stop whatever might happen, but there is one thing we can control and that is our own inner response to the thoughts and perhaps inner fears that of course will well up in our hearts as the hours approach.

I would suggest that you enjoy this day and gather around you whatever you need to be comfortable, and whomever makes you happy. Spend the rest of today and tomorrow in thought and introspection and make peace with yourself and all those whose lives you touch. Speak of love to your family, friends, and even acquaintances, for love will be the bond that gets us through if there is any trouble.

My own take on things is that tomorrow will dawn beautifully and the birds will be singing and you and I will have another day of work before us. Milani Rebecca Brown, my great-granddaughter will be born tomorrow and we will have to get a newspaper for her day of birth because I am sure that the headlines will be exciting and provocative. What a fortuitous day to be born, at the alignment of all of the planets and the sun. She will be born into love and high expectations.

Tomorrow we will comment on whatever is going on around us, and hope that what is going on is filled with love and the unity of all humankind.

Monday, December 17, 2012


We have been talking for the last few days about judging other people and yet remaining non- judgmental. We have learned to quantify another's character by listening to the number of positive and negative words that they use while they talk to us and others. If they use mostly positive words and actions then we can relax and allow a friendship to develop, but if they use a lot of negative words or actions, we know to steer clear of them as much as possible. But how about judging our own selves? Usually we are harder on ourselves than we are harder on other people.

We are our own worst enemy when we do not allow ourselves to love ourselves. In our culture it is deemed arrogant to love one's self or to have a good deal of self worth. Love of self is equated with standing in front of people and admitting to the world that you are a good person. Such chutzpah some people judge! What a lot of self-aggrandizement some will think, but what is the truth of the matter?

Each of us is a good person when we come from love. Then should we not come to ourselves in love and accept that while we may have flaws that we are a loving person and a good (positive) person. Good (positive) being defined as a person or act that comes from love; or in other words, the positive flow of life.

When we waste our time judging ourselves harshly-we all do things we are not very proud of because we are human beings and are not perfect-we have very little energy left to give love to others. We become obsessed with changing ourselves and stop thinking about what is happening in the lives of those who are nearest and dearest to us, and have absolutely no room left to worry about how total strangers are feeling. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of self-loathing because we are centering ourselves on ourselves and do not have much energy left to turn to other people and worry about how they are feeling so we make quick judgments of new people and then just move along in our self-centered lives.

Let me tell you that you are a treasure just as you are and if you can come to a love of self then you will find that your heart has lots of room to love other people and we can accept their faults as part of their humanity and not stress about what we, or they, need to change to be better. Because most of us are doing the very best that we can, given our set of circumstances, and want only to love and be loved for who we are.

As humans we all need and crave love and if we can allow ourselves to judge ourselves leniently and lovingly then we will have a huge storage of love built up and can send that love into the lives of all those we come in contact with. You will be a huge blessing in this world and your love of self can turn into love for all of the world.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


The candle light shone softly, but lit up the centuries and struggles of my whole people. Around the world million of Jews relive the joy of the lights. The Temple re-sanctified and pure and dedicated by the light of the one menorah of sanctified oil. The problem was, the light must burn for eight days and there was only the one day's worth of sanctified oil. Determined to receive the blessings of the Temple in their lives once more, the priests prayed over the oil and then took a leap of faith and lit the menorah. The oil burned strongly for an entire day...but what is this? It did not stop burning and it was into the second day. The High Priest had sent to a small sea-side town where a stash of sanctified oil had been buried, but it was an eight day trip, or more, and fraught with dangers, so the High Priest led the people in prayer that the light might stay burning until the new oil could be brought to the Temple.  The light of the Menorah remained burning and finally on the eighth day, the Holy of Holys was rededicated to the Lord and the Temple could be used for ceremonies and sacrifices to The Holy One, Blessed be He.

The last night of Channukah is a very special night because it was the answer to the Israelites prayers that the oil in the lamp burn for the eight days needed to sanctify the Temple, and because on the eighth day the Holy of Holys was dedicated and sanctified and the ritual for sanctifying the Temple was complete. Shortly thereafter, the runners with the sanctified oil arrived at the Temple and so they continued to have light and now that the Temple was Holy once more, the High Priest could sanctify more oil. The re-dedication of the Temple, after its defilement by pagan worship of Greek gods, occurred in 165 b.c.

It is useful to note that Rabbi Yeshuah, Jesus, celebrated Channukah in his home and in the Temple. Therefore, enjoy the miracle of the lights as a story for all spiritual people around the world. It is truly a story of shining your inner light even when the road ahead seems improbable to you; have faith that God will provide and you will be blessed with all that you ask of Him. The Miracle of the Lights was given as a blessing to all humankind.

                                                               *      *      *

The party at the Ritz went very well. It was beautiful and had great food and a lot of it, but the drinks were water and Coca Cola, and there were no games. It turns out that the purpose of the party is to shmooze your neighbors and that it did remarkably well. I even met an author that lives on the 16th floor and he was very exciting to talk to. It felt good to meet my neighbors and I made a whole new set of soon-to-be friends. It was a very eclectic group and I can see that it is going to be fun getting to know these people better.

But, all and all, the best part of the day was sharing Channukah with David and William. Playing the Dreidle game, William won $5.00 and all of the pennies-358 of them which is the numerical value of the letters on the dreidle. And we exchanged gifts and just enjoyed each others company.

I wish you the many blessings of this season of the year and particularly the blessings of family and friends. God be with you and keep you safe and well.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Today is the annual Ritz Christmas Party. For a month now the building has been cleaned, and decorated. It is just beautiful, like something out of a dream like the Nutcracker story. There are garlands and Christmas trees around all the public areas, and the 2-story grand stairway leading up to the Ball Room is decorated with poinsettias and garlands and its own Christmas tree on the first landing.

There are areas decorated for Channukah also, and tonight is the eighth night of that celebration of lights. We are going to the party at 2:00 p.m. and then after the party, we are going to have a Channukah party in my apartment and play the Dreidle game with the winner receiving a $5.00 jackpot and all the pennies that we used to play the game.

No word from Poppy yet, although the baby was due yesterday, but being a first baby she could still have several days to go. We are waiting on pins and needles, ready to head to Dover, Delaware to be with her during her labor and delivery. I am glad that we are going to be able to go to the Christmas Party because I will then get to meet some of the other tenants of the building.

I understand that there will be food and drink and games to play at the Christmas party. It will be in the grand ballroom (the Palm Room) and this is a huge room with marble floors and gilded woodwork. Personally, I have never been to a ball room before, nor to a lavish party of any kind, and I will let you know how it goes, tomorrow.

Yesterday we delivered gift boxes of homemade cookies to everyone on the staff and a couple of friends. The staff here is so wonderfully helpful and keeps us safe and secure and I wish that I had real gifts to give to them. I have never felt so safe in my life as I feel here at the Ritz, and I am very grateful because now I can sleep through the night without worrying about someone coming through my bedroom window or knocking down my front door. I do not hear gunshots going off in the night and no police shine their lights into our windows when they are out looking for suspects in drug dealing or thieves. I had not realized how lightly I had been sleeping, or not sleeping at all, every night in my old apartment complex. Now, I can totally relax and enjoy my home day and night. It is an awesome feeling.

I pray that each and everyone of you have a peaceful and joyous Holiday Season, whether it be Christmas Joy, or Channukah lights and memories, or the Kwanza holiday following Christmas. May the New Year bring all of us new insights into our own spiritual growth and may all of you be blessed with the love and joy of the Season.

Tomorrow I will tell you about the party and our own Channukah celebration. May God bless and keep each one of you, my dear friends. Happy Holidays!!

Friday, December 14, 2012


We all struggle with first meetings, and if we can remember this, it may help us make gentler first impressions (judgements) of the new people that we meet.

98% of us have some level of insecurity and when we are in the presence of a stranger it can initially be stressful. We worry about the other person judging us and finding us to be inferior or flawed in some way.

With this awareness of how we react to meeting a person for the first time, and with the awareness that the other person is most likely feeling the same way, for the same reason, we can then give the other person the benefit of the doubt and give them initial acceptance until we can take some time and analyze the other person's speech patterns; that is the number of times that a person uses negative or positive words or actions. The constant use of negative words or actions let us know that this person is probably at least a little toxic to us and our environment, while the use of positive words and actions let us know that the person we meet we can trust and feel comfortable with.

Just having the awareness that the other person feels similarly to ourselves is a great mind-opener. We may never have given much thought to how other people feel upon meeting us, but to realize that we all are worried about the impression that we make, takes away the fear of meeting new people. It puts us all on a common ground and gives us the freedom to relax and just enjoy the new person in our lives. We can always make a final decision to avoid the new person because of their negative influence, or we can rejoice in a new relationship.

I have always found for myself that what I judge in another person is usually what is the flaw I see in my own personality. It is what I first can spot, because I know it so well, and since I do not like the flaw in myself I make a hasty judgement when I spot it in another person. Two of the best friends I have finally made were two ladies who were very beautiful and wore very nice clothing when I first met them. Because I felt uglier and badly dressed compared to them, I decided that I did not like them because they made me feel uncomfortable with myself. Turned out that they were wonderful human beings and I recognized this after being around them for a while. Then I felt really stupid for making such poor judgements and I began to see that how harshly I judged myself was how harshly I judged my fellow human beings. Once I was able to accept myself as I am, and to love myself as I am, I was able to give everyone initial acceptance and love and save the judgements for another day when I have had a longer time to quantify their character.

One last suggestion, whenever you are around other people, including family members, purposely take a moment and put love and acceptance in your eyes and demeanor. When you look into a stranger's eyes with love and respect, you will almost always get a positive response back. This makes our travel through life a most positive experience and rich with friends who love and support us.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


My dear good friend, I must once again ask for your patience and understanding. Tomorrow, December 14th, is the due date of my new little great-granddaughter, Milani. Now this is a first birth and so the baby could come quickly, on time, or she may not have the baby for another week. The doctor is going to induce labor on the 21st of December if she does not go in before.

The child is very much anticipated. The mother, Sierra (Poppy is what her nickname is), is very healthy and is all prepared for this first child. She is doing a lot of walking and house cleaning, so she is increasing the odds of Milani being born very soon now.  When Poppy goes into labor all of us who live in Atlantic City will be going down to be with her. As you probably realize from my stories, Poppy's mother, my daughter Rebecca, passed away in 2008. I feel that as Poppy's grandmother that I should be by her side while she is in labor, and stay for a few days afterwards to give her a hand. She will be nursing, and I hope to be able to give her a chance to relax and let the "magic" happen, so that she is very successful with nursing her baby.

At this time Poppy does not have a home computer and I do not drive at this time, so I won't be able to go to a library to get my blog done. Hopefully I can deliver my blog by means of her cell phone, but I am not sure how that works for her. Therefore, I must ask your patience once again, if I am unable to get my blog out over the next week to two weeks. I plan to stay at Poppy's for a week to 10 days, and if it is possible I will write my blog everyday from her home, but if there is no way to get on the internet, then I am stumped.

I would ask a favor of you, to hang in here with me during this time of change in our family. I will be back just as quickly as I can be, and we will once again pursue our subject matter; science fiction and the love of ONE. In the meantime, while we await the birth, I will continue to write every day and I will continue to hope that there will not be a disruption of this blog, but if there is a day when you come and there is no new writing, know that I am attending the birth of my great-granddaughter and I am sure that there will be many new things to talk about when I get back to you.

Thank you for your continued patience and support; you are very important to me, and this blog is very important to me. I will return and hope that you will check in everyday, or so, to see if I am back up on line. Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, and blessed Kwanza!

See you tomorrow, Lord willing, if the devil doesn't interfere!

Love and best Holiday wishes to each one of you. I hope your holidays will have at least one really outstandingly wonderful moment and that you and your family will be blessed with all of the family moments, or quiet moments, that are so rich at this time of the year.

Love, and great thanks for your patience and support! See you tomorrow...Davalene

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

WORLD UNITY DAY ~ 12/12/12 AT 12:12 P.M.

Happy, Happy World Unity Day!

Today around the world men and women are looking inside of themselves and assessing whether they desire the world of humankind to be bound by the spirit of love and unity, or division and hatred.

It is a day for pondering your own position in the world at large and inspecting what you have in your hearts as an attitude toward the future of our world. For centuries people have been writing science fiction in an attempt to explain the Cosmos and the inner workings of the human heart. In most there is a turning point when mankind has pushed the limits of the human imagination and had to defend this world, or others, against those with the selfish goals of conquering the physical world for its vast richness and using their power to build defenses against others of their own kind, or destroying the cultures of vast, unknown other worlds.

Into our world of turmoil are being born those unique spirits who have advanced ideas of where the future of mankind lays. It is not territories to conquer that is their goal, but a vast enlightenment that shines light and love upon the human condition and seeks after a world led by people from around the world who have the best interests of each human being, and the whole of nature, in their hearts and actions.

Young people with a vision that is not centered upon accumulating great wealth or worldly power, but on the advancement of the human soul and a re-dedication to our planet and to the Cosmos at large. Knowing that if mankind does not take positive action that our world as we know it will quickly disappear or become rapidly crippled with the self-aggrandizement that would rape the world's wealth for the profit of a very few human beings.

Today, it would be wise for each of us to look into our hearts and think of our brothers and sisters around the world, and in our own families, and see if we are becoming sensitive to other's tragedies and pain or are we just caught up in the struggle for day to day life. While we of course must look at our lives and those around us and plan for a positive future for our families, yet if we ignore our fellow humans who are suffering under extreme conditions, we live short-sighted lives and will never know true peace for all of humankind.

With our current and burgeoning technologies we are able to take a hard look at the entire human family and make decisions that effect the whole world with the press of a single keystroke. Let us just determine that in our own heart we will take a stand for peace and unity between all peoples and let for one moment our love for life be extended to all. Today take one minute of solitude and open up your heart to the universe. Send love and support to each person on Earth and in the Cosmos. Look for the light-bearers and discover that WE are the light-bearers ourselves. That our actions affect the entire world, not just our own little circle.

Come, my friends, let us lead the world to enlightenment and the joy that can be realized if we begin to care for others as if they were our own selves. This world can be a paradise; a Gan Eden-Garden of Eden-if we love other people as we love our own selves. This is the teaching of all the great spiritual leaders, of all the world's people. Love is our true future.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day, in many ways. There are several rock and benefit concerts going on for worthy causes around the world. A celebration is happening; a happy confluence of influences from the flow are going to be experienced by everyone on Earth.

There will not be another 12/12/12 at 12:12 o'clock for another thousand years, until 12/12/2112, and that will be another high frequency day; when love will fill the air all around us.

I am suggesting that at 12:12 a.m. and 12:12 p.m., tomorrow, 12/12/2012, there will be the full force of the flow of energy that fills and surrounds everything that is made of matter; us, nature, the weather. This energy, this force, will be a force of love and it will be caused by everyone on earth thinking loving thoughts about everyone else on Earth and filled with a desire to unify all of us into one thinking, feeling, caring, unbroken brotherhood, or World Unity Day.

Try to notice when 12:12 a.m. comes around, at 7:12 a.m., EST, (which is 12:12 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time), and at 12:12 p.m. See if you can sense the rise in positive energy that peaks at those points of time. We have talked before about being in the flow when we happen to glance at a clock and the number is right on, such as 12:34, or 11:11, or makes some sense like 2:48, or 2:36. At those moments we are sure that we are exactly where we should be and are doing what we should be doing; we are in the flow.

So, say that I am an optimist and that there are very many people that will have nothing to do with loving, unifying feelings of brotherhood. Say, only 75% of the world will even want to feel those feelings. Still, tomorrow even they may feel the consequences of a spirit of love and human unity.

Tomorrow is a day of spiritual importance. Even if only 10% of the world can feel it, it will have a powerful impact on those who do and that is still thousands of millions of people. You will feel it in your own spiritual way if you will allow yourself to be aware, particularly at the specific moments of 12:12 o'clock.

Happy World Unity Day!

Monday, December 10, 2012


I would like to address the topic of the prophesied apocalypse of 12/21/2012, that will occur in 11 days.

So much has been prophesied to happen; earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, a tilt of the Earth's poles, a rise in sea levels, and every kind of traumatic event possible.

Most of us have taken certain precautions such as putting up food, water, and emergency supplies just in case of problems arising or a panic starting civil unrest. We have wondered and worried depending on our take on the matter, but I have a suggestion on the subject and it has to do with celebrating a World Unity Day on 12/12/12 at 12:12 p.m., Greenwich Mean Time. That would translate to 7:12 a.m., EST; 6:12 a.m.,CST; 5:12 a.m., MST; and 4:12 a.m., PST. And actually I mean daylight savings time in most of the U.S.A.

If everyone all over the Earth at that time, will say out loud, or in their heart: I love the Cosmos; I love the Earth; I love everyone on Earth; I love God (as I understand Him, or not, if you do not believe in a higher being) or I love this universe and all within it; We are one; We are love, and our combined love will strengthen our planet and bind our hearts to a desire for world peace and brotherhood.

There are people who are warning us that the world may come to an abrupt and tragic end on December 21st, 2012.

I believe we have a choice. We can let time pass and do nothing, say nothing, and the world may come to a cataclysmic end. How negative. A fear will begin to develop in some folk and they will agonize the whole year of 2012 away, or we can choose to bring love into the world by doing a simple exercise together.

In the instant, the one minute, of 12:12 p.m., Greenwich Mean Time, as people around the world repeat the little mantra, with their souls, the Earth will become filled with, and blessed by, love, and the negative forces will be overcome by the positive force of love. The world will become transformed by love.

It is our choice. Be hammered by the negative suggestions, or choose to commit your heart to love for one minute.

What will you get out of it? Peace and Joy.

Remember, be love for one minute at 12:12 p.m., on 12/12/2012. We can do this together. Save the World with an influx of love and brotherhood between all the people on this Earth.

This opportunity happens in just two days from today.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I have a grandson who is the apple of my eye, but he had a totally traumatic childhood and young adulthood. His father is in prison for 1st degree murder and his beloved mother died four years ago. He is feeling the losses at an excruciatingly painful level. He has a good heart and is a veteran of the Iraqi war.

He is very depressed and melancholy and has taken up the use of alcohol as a means to blot out his pain. He has a genetic background of alcoholism and he watched the leading men in his life use alcohol in order to keep on going.

There was a brief respite from pain in his relationship with a beautiful and very intelligent young woman and upon the birth of their daughter, his world opened up to love and beauty.

But the years passed by and little by little he resorted to the bottle again, when times were stressful. Finally, he reached a boiling point when he struggled to find a job and then could not control his drinking. One evening, enraged and goaded by feelings of inferiority and shame, he struck his beautiful wife and then ran away.

He struggled to get hold of his life but he was in a quagmire. His wife wanted a divorce; she was frightened for herself and for their child.

The child, an intelligent cherub of three, adored her idol; her father. All she could see was a good, strong, handsome daddy who held her in huge loving arms and fixed her owies. He had tea with her bunny and dolls and assured her that she was the greatest, the most beautiful little girl in the whole world. To his little girl, he would always be a hero; her champion.

But looking for work carried this young man to another state where there were better prospects. However, alcohol tripped him up, and he stopped calling his little girl because he did not want to talk to, and get in an argument with, his ex-wife.

The little girl deeply missed her father and dreamed of hearing from him again. But in her heart she was sure of her daddy's love and knew he would come back one day. She cried every night from missing him.

Our young man suffered from missing his daughter, but he did not feel like he was in a proper place in life to think of fighting to care for her. He felt despondent and like a loser.

So we are at a stalemate. Pain causes the young man to drink, yet when he drinks he is constantly reminded of his little girl and desires to change his lifestyle. If only wishes were actions, then our young man would be free of his addiction, but it takes hard work to fight an addiction and nothing, and nobody, seems to be able to give him the strength.

So we are praying this holiday season that our young man will receive a wake-up call and turn to another person who has been through this for succor and guidance. We pray that he can find a job and pull himself out of his funk, and to that end we will love him and encourage him in even the smallest matter.

One good thing has happened and that is that he is able to have voice contact with his little girl and tell her how much he loves her. But often he is drunk when he talks to her and cannot be as clear as he would hope to be.

Do you have any advice to pass along to us on how to best help our young man? If you do, please help us by sending an e-mail with your suggestions to and we will get back to you with how your suggestion works.

Thank you for your support!

Friday, December 7, 2012


This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine;
Let it shine, let it shine,
All the time.

Hide it under a bushel, NO,
I'm going to let it shine,
Hide it under a bushel, NO,
I'm going to let it shine;
Let it shine, let it shine,
All the time.

The bright spirit that is within you is your energy expressing itself. When we are in a mode where our hearts are filled with joy and love, then our face lights up and other people who are also bright lights are attracted to our life like moths to a flame. At this point we can know the joy of true friendship and can discuss any topic without bickering over small points.

The light of your energy form shines brightest when you have a heart filled with love for all. It expands when we reach out to help someone else, and contracts when we say, or do, something that hurts another person. You have the ability to turn on another person's light by merely giving them a smile, or a word of encouragement.

At the slightest provocation our hearts respond with joy and love, our face lights up, our eyes sparkle, and anyone who sees our face rejoices with us.

On the other hand, if we are angry or sad, our faces are contorted with pain and sorrow. Anyone looking at our countenance feels gloomy, or distressed. We have a great impact on everyone we meet, even if we don't know them personally. So we must ask ourselves what kind of impact are we having on other people and is that impact what we are striving for in life?

Is it our obligation to care about how we make other people feel? Let's just say that what goes around, comes around. If we are going around like a dark cloud, raining on other people's parades, we will feel gloomy and sad ourselves and the feedback we get will likely be negative causing us to further cycle down. On the other hand, if we put love and acceptance in our eyes, in the smile on our face, people respond with smiles back and usually have a positive word to say to us. This increases our own feelings of self worth and our smile is even brighter.

It is important to smile with your eyes as well as your lips, for your eyes are the window to the soul and can speak volumes of love and peace when you look into another's eyes. If they see judgement and ill will, they will feel a sting in their hearts and spend the day in a blue funk and they will carry your ill will all through their day and pass along this gloom and ill will to everyone else they meet.

But, if you take a moment before going out-or in your own home-and put love and acceptance in your eyes then when you meet another person you will lift their spirits and they will pass along your feelings of love and good will to the next person they meet. That person will then pass love along to the next person he meets, and the circles created by your smile of love will go out into the world and touch uncounted numbers of other people. A loving smile is like a rock thrown into a pond, the ripples spread out further than the eye can see.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


The single worst quality I have going for me is a habit of making immediate-usually wrong-judgements of other people. I believe that breaking this habit is one of my greatest challenges this life game. I know I must stop making quick judgements and learn a new way of thinking about other people.

First step is to re-think how I think and feel about other people. I believe that most people live with the best of intentions and are generally positive in nature. So I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and pay love forward. I have been hurt badly a few times, but that has helped me to toughen up-which I badly needed.

It occurred to me one day to try an experiment. I noticed that positive people usually talk about the good things happening and use a lot of positive words as they talk. While the more negative you are the more likely you are to say negative and hurtful things. The words hate, and anger, and their brothers are used frequently.

So I determined that if I just accept people as they are, and instead of judging them immediately, listen to the words they are saying and count inside how many positive words they are saying and how many negative words they are saying, then I can quantify their character. Then I can make an accurate judgement of whether I want this person in my private life, or not.

See if this does not work for you also and then we can come to the end of our life games and know that we have done a lot lot of growing and that you have a love of ONE"s children. This is one of the two requirements for winning your life game; the other being to come to a knowledge that you are one with the ONE.                                                                          

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Love is not a weak, ephemeral feeling, but the great FORCE, the great energy, that runs the Cosmos; that is the Cosmos; that is ONE (God).

ONE created the Cosmos and all within it from his own energy. He was pleased with all of his creations but felt a tug of loneliness because there was no one else around to share, and talk about, his creations. He soon found himself bored because he could neither share his creations, nor experience them, on his own. He created energyforms (people's spirits) out of his own energy, and then he created the God Games which entailed sending his energy forms into newly created worlds to play life games, and to experience much in their life games.

What does ONE look like?

He is pure energy; he is pure love; and he is a very real force. He created the entire Cosmos including each one of us. ONE did not want his children to be sycophants. He loves us, his children, and wants us to love him, or come to him, in our own choice of time and place. He loves us so much that he takes the risk of losing his children to negativity, and then suffering pain at their separation from him. ONE wants us to come to him and be his friend and discuss the wonders of his creations.

God loves you just the way you ARE right NOW.

Yes, that is with all of our faults and straying off the golden pathway. He loves us as he created us; as we are, with all of the pettiness and negative actions; despite what ever we may do, or neglect to do, he loves us unconditionally. Karmic law is an eternal law of the Cosmos, for negative actions draw a return of negative actions; turmoil, strife, and pain, and positive actions draw a return of positive actions; justice, joy, and love. It may seem that Karma comes along very slowly, but it also comes around very surely.

You can live forever and never give out all of the love that is you, for the more love you give out, the more that love returns to you and so your supplies are constantly filled again. And it costs nothing to dispense love and acceptance to others, it is free to give. You don't need to worry or fret about when you are going to get your "share" of love, for if you give out love freely it is returned to you freely. Now it might not come from the person you want it to come, at least not right away, but you will begin to experience many forms of love and joy in your life. Learn to look for and appreciate love in its many forms and faces; light attracts light and you will become a beaconing light.

Monday, December 3, 2012


A life game is one lifetime lived on one of the planets of the Cosmos. It begins at birth and ends upon death.

The purpose of a life game is to grow spiritually and come to the sure knowledge that you are love and that you are one with ONE. When you have come to these conclusions you have "won" your life game and are eligible to live eternally in the Promised Land; Heaven.

Before we come to Earth (or one of the other planets) we choose many aspects of our life on the planet. Our date and place of birth; our families; our sexuality; our cosmetics; our goals; our challenges; and our date of death.

We also create a golden pathway, that if followed explicitly, will lead us to a win of our life game by the end of our lives.

We all take side trips off of our golden pathway when we choose negative directions. Do not waste your time with guilt over your negative actions, but when you notice that you are in quicksand, do teshuva (often mistranslated as "repent") that means to "turn away from" the negative path by feeling remorse, doing penance, and then letting it go.

Determine to follow the positive path from now on and look at it not as a sin, per se, but as a learning experience that has helped you to grow. And one day, if you keep up the good fight, you will find yourself spending more and more time on the golden pathway and grow old with wisdom. You will come to a point on the golden pathway where you will realize that you have pure love for all of ONE's creations and will come to know that you are one with all; that you are one with ONE.

If you say that it is heretical to consider yourself to be one with ONE, consider this heretical thought: are you then saying that you are OTHER than ONE? To say so is to say that ONE, is other than ONE, for being ONE is a statement that the Force is ALL; that there is nothing other than the great force-ONE.

Also, to say that you are other than ONE, is to set you up in your own unique god-ship. Am I then saying that you are one with ONE? Yes. If you want to anthropomorphize ONE you can think of yourself as one atom of one of his hairs. But that is just a mental image. ONE is ALL; the great Force-LOVE.

Tomorrow we will look at the subject of love.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Yesterday we looked at the "atmosphere" of antimatter (dark matter) that is a force that fills the space between molecules, atoms, nuclei of atoms, and electron shells. This "atmosphere" is filled with vacuum, repectively, it is filled with virtual particles. (See yesterday's blog)

This force also fills the space between heavenly bodies in the Cosmos and the mass of this "atmosphere" of antimatter is equal to the mass of matter with rest mass.

I call this force ONE (God) and believe that ONE is All; the matter and the antimatter-a great and measurable force.

We can feel this force in our fingers and hands, feet and toes, top of the head, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, but mostly we are conscious of feelings of energy in our hands, radiating out of our fingertips.

If you spread your fingers and hold both hands facing each other, finger tips about 1 inch apart, you can feel this force for yourselves. You can also feel this in your palms. As you practice this, you will become aware of energy "leaking" from all points of your body. This is your energy form, spirit, a set of electrical frequencies-energy-that composes your spirit body and that is eternal. Energy can be changed, but not destroyed. Thus your energy form, this energy you can feel for yourself, is eternal.

There is a dimension that we came from before coming to Earth, and there is this (same) dimension that we go to (return to) when our physical (Earth) body dies.

I call this dimension Heaven. Heaven's dimension is approximately three feet higher than Earth's ground and surrounds us.  We have spiritual parents that raise us and teach us as we prepare to go to a planet in the Cosmos to experience a life game.

Life games were created by ONE to be able to experience his own creations; to have life experiences. He created energy forms because he was lonely and bored, and gave his rational creations Free Will and Freedom of Choice. This he did because he wanted to have real relationships with his children, not just make drones who would sidle up to him and praise him because they had no choice in the matter. So we have life games and try out our energy forms in bodies that are frail and often troublesome, but also marvelous in structure and purpose.

As we follow our unique paths and make our own unique messes, we also begin to feel joy and love and that encourages us to make another step of progress in spiritual growth.

Each feelig that we feel is also felt by ONE so he gets to experience his own creations.

Tomorrow we discuss living a life game and what it entails.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Thank you for visiting my blog. I am honored that you have taken your time and attention to read my thoughts and stories.

I will be presenting some ideas that might be considered apolitical or controversial. I believe that there is no dichotomy between God (ONE) and Science, but that scientific discovery is the unfolding knowledge of ONE's mind.

I believe that this world, Earth, is going through a transformation that is first fraught with labor pains-earthquakes, global warming, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc.-and when the labor is over, this Earth will blossom into a paradise of love and brotherhood.

There is a massive shift occurring around the World triggered by an advance in technology. We have begun to know people from around the world as we become personal friends by way of Facebook, Twitter, and the internet in general. We are beginning to care about our neighbors and world-wide statistics of violent crime are down. We have a long way to go, but our young people are leading the way with their visions of peace for the planet and a co-operation and brotherhood among the nations. Our young people are coming to Earth filled with a spirit of love for others and a personal desire to change this world from the ground up. I personally rejoice at each new birth because the spirits (energy forms) of these children are preternaturally wise and loving and will change this world by their sheer presence in the arts and sciences and the effect of their positive energy on society.

THE GOD GAMES: Heaven & Hell; Legend of Kor; and Challenge of Satan ask and tell the story of why God got bored and created the God Games and I am now going to write about the ideas in the books.

What happened when God got bored? He created the God Games!

ONE (God) created all, then realized that he was lonely and bored, having no one to share in the wonders that he created: no one to talk to; no way to experience his creation on his own. So he next created energy forms (people) from his own being to keep him company. Then he created the God Games, so that he could experience his creations through the life games that his energy forms play.

These energy forms would live life games in which the goal of the game is to come to realize that you are love, and that you are one with ONE. As ONE's children, energy forms, go out into the Cosmos and they experience much in their life games. One therefore experiences all of his creations. ONE can no longer be bored.

Thus, we see that our bodies are energy forms, young and lithe, beautiful and strong. We were created from ONE's own energy, as was all, and given the great gifts of free will and freedom of choice.

There is nothing outside of ONE. The positive and negative poles are contained in his energy. The entire Cosmos and all that are in it are ONE. All of the dimensions, and all of the levels in each dimension are ONE. All recognize and praise ONE for the tender love he has for all that he created.

As we were saying, ONE was bored and he decided to have some fun by experiencing all that he had  created in a series of God Games. All that he created would experience mortality and play life games in which they would be given an opportunity to experience the consequences of having free will and freedom of choice. He would interact with his energy forms, if they chose, and at any rate he would experience exactly what they experience. No more room for boredom, he would experience both love and pain.

It is all about love. Love is not a weak, ephemeral feeling, but the great force, the great energy, that runs the Cosmos: that is the Cosmos; that is, ONE.

We will have a discussion of dark matter (antimatter) briefly, and we will see that ONE is both matter and antimatter.

Antimatter is Matter composed of the counterparts of ordinary matter, antiprotons instead of protons, positrons instead of electrons, and antineutrons instead instead of neutrons. Antimatter is the space between molecules, atoms, nuclei of atoms and electron shells which are filled with virtual particles (particles that live such a short period of time that they become 'invisible' to our devices-electron-positron pairs that appear and disappear as if  'pulsing'. They are responsible for dielectric (non-conducting) displacement in a vacuum. It is a gas-not a liquid or solid.

A strong electric field in a vacuum can bring to life an electron-positron pair that from a virtual one; becomes real. Virtual electron-positron pairs that fill a vacuum and are within the electric field, same as outside that field, appear and disappear.

An electron-positron pair, either virtual or real, is matter. After annihilation, electron and positron turn into two photons.

The dictionary says a photon is a quantum of radiant energy, but is it matter or energy? or just an intermediate link between matter and energy?

Gravitation, magnetic, electrical fields equal pure energy.

Both matter and antimatter have equal mass. An electron has a negative electrical charge and a positron has a positive electrical charge, and particles of matter and antimatter have different gravitational charges.

Particles of matter attract each other and particles of antimatter repel each other. Between particles of matter and antimatter gravitational attraction is stronger than between particles of matter. (Antimatter equals antiparticle. The universe holds a sort of "atmosphere" of antimatter and the mass of this "atmosphere" of antimatter is equal to the mass of matter with rest mass.

ONE is ALL. The matter and the anti-matter, the "atmosphere" that holds the atom in order; the atoms together-is glue to components of the atom; and is the force that holds the Comos in order. I refer to this energy, this measurable force that holds everything in place; this vast, unfathomable energy, as LOVE. ONE is love.

Tomorrow we find that we can also feel this energy of ONE radiating from our own body-and how to do that. Thanks to Vladimir Oleynik for his ideas on matter and antimatter (dark matter, or dark energy).