Friday, February 24, 2012

LOVE IN! LOVE IN ! LOVE IN! 12/12/12 at 12:12 am GMT

Let's have a LOVE IN on December 12th, 2012, at 12:12 a.m., Greenwich Mean Time. Recently, I wrote about the Doomsday Prophecies of the Mayan people. I mentioned the possibilities being discussed, and how many people are very concerned about the prophecied turmoil and upheaval, and are preparing-as best they can-for the end of times. This upheaval is prophesied for the December Solstice on 12/21/2012...It is my suggestion that instead of dwelling on the possible destructions and natural catastrophies that MIGHT happen, that we all join together for a positive and uplifting celebration of World Humanity. That on December 12th, 2012, at 12:12 a.m., GMT, every human being on Earth will turn their thoughts and hearts to love and acceptance of each one of us. Let us have a world-wide celebration of life on this planet; rejoice in each other's uniqueness; and open our hearts and minds to love and unity...Have the day filled with music, cultural events, and the ideas, principles, and stories of our wisest teachers and thinkers, and say in our hearts, or aloud, in the minute of 12/12/12 at 12:12 a.m. GMT, our love for the Master of the Universe, and each person on this Earth...Let this message pass from mouth to mouth, from heart to heart, and from mind to mind, and then on 12/12/12 we will be a unit and the power that we all generate with this love we create, will change the spiritual frequencies of this planet and we will experience Paradise instead of tragedy... JOIN THE WORLD IN AN EXPRESSION OF LOVE AND UNITY!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My brother Charley and I had a nanny who we called Annabelle Zeezo. Her name was Annabelle Smith and she lived in downtown San Diego, in the "black section", as it was known in those days. It was a tiny area around Market Street from the ocean almost to El Cajon. In those days it was terrible for black people; it isn't much better today. There was both blatant and subtle prejudice that was taken as just a way of life for most white people. They had no interest in how a black person felt or what their life was like. Annabelle was beautiful. She was dark chocolate brown and she smelled like apples and cinnamon. Annabelle's arms were always wide-open and loving. She changed our wet diapers and potty trained us. She picked us up when we fell and cleaned our cuts and scrapes. She was always singing beautiful "negro" spirituals and my personal favorite, "Shortnin' Bread." "Mammy's little baby loves shortnin', shortnin', mammy's little baby loves shortnin' bread!" I asked her to sing it again and again, and she did. Charley and I were both adopted from different families. I was a chosen and wanted child, but Charley was never wanted by either my mother or my father. My mother, Lucile, had many good qualities, but being a mother wasn't one of them. I believe my mother had a mental illness because she would act in cycles of being quiet and staying in her room, and reading and drinking; to times when she was in a furious rage and took it out mainly on Charley but also on myself. A great deal of physical and mental abuse went on in our home. Charley and I were actually tortured by my mother in many ways which I will discuss later with you. But for today, I will take the one story that spotlights what Annabelle meant to Charley and me. My brother Charley was three years old at the time, and I was five. We were both potty trained by the time we were a year old. But Charley had a problem with bedwetting at night. No matter how hard he was spanked, nor how long he sat in the "jailhouse" chair, he could not stop wetting the bed at night. On this particular night, my mother told Charley that he was not going to wet the bed that night because he was going to sleep on a mat in front of the bathroom door, and if he couldn't get to the bathroom in time that way, then he would be punished severely the next morning. I awoke the next morning to bloody screams. Charley's screams. I ran out into the hall ans saw my brother lying on the floor on the mat, and my mother straddling his chest and cutting the tip of his penis with a razor blade. I was terrified that I would be the next victim. I ran and hid under my bed. Charley screamed really loudly. I heard my mother get up and walk past my bedroom door into her own bedroom. There she dressed in her nurse's uniform and when she was through dressing, she walked past Charley down the stairs, out the door, and to her car, and drove away to her work at the hospital. Charley still lay screaming on the mat. I ran to him and I could hear Annabelle coming and crying loudly, "My baby, my baby, what did she do to my baby?" Annabelle ran up the stairs, gathered Charley in her arms, took him into the bathroom, and bathed and bound his wound. She gave him some baby aspirin and then she had me follow her and we went down the stairs and into her room in back-she was a live-in maid and nanny-and she sat in her rocking chair and rocked Charley, and sang him songs. My brother finally fell asleep, and Annabelle was speaking to herself and she was saying, "What can I do? What can I do? Who would take the word of a black woman against a white nurse?" To say that Charley and I loved Annabelle, is to put it mildly. She was our love, our hope; she was our mother. Annabelle didn't give up. She spoke to one of my mother's friends, Katie Salisbury, and told her what my mother was doing to Charley, specifically about the cutting. Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury spoke to my parents and asked if they could adopt Charley, but my mother would not give up control of Charley, and Charley was doomed to a life of pain and hardship. Annabelle was treated by my mother as if she was a slave; certainly a person with no rights whatsoever. My mother would hire Annabelle and then find something wrong and fire her, then two weeks later she would be after her to hire her again. And Annabelle came back because she loved Charley and me and wanted to protect us and give us as much love as she could. She was a strong, brave, black woman who put her life on the line to try to protect Charley and me. I remember clearly Annabelle polishing the silverware, scrubbing, waxing, and buffing the floors on her hands and knees, and enduring the constant nagging of my mother who treated her with such disrespect. Annabelle would take Charley and I to the San Diego Zoo every Saturday morning, and on Sundays we would take the ferry across the Bay to Coronado for daddy was an executive chef at the Hotel del Coronado. Of course we didn't bother daddy's job, it was just that we could take the ferry across to Coronado and then go back across the Bay again to San Diego. It was a beautiful ride. It was because of my extreme love for Annabelle, and also because of my personal hero, Dr. George Washington Carver, that I was so happy when I learned that I would have a black grandchild. Baby Skeeta was an answer to my soul's prayer to have a large, interracial family. My daddy did not treat Annabelle badly. My daddy loved and respected every person that he met. He tried to defend Annabelle, but my mother could never understand where he was coming from. But he would be particularly kind and generous to Annabelle to try to offset what my mother was treating her like. Annabelle did not last long in our life because my mother finally ended up firing her permanently, but she made such an impact on Charley and I in the short time we were blessed to have her in our lives. I saw Annabelle one more time when I was 17 years old. My mother somehow found her when we had the restaurant. I was saddened when I saw Annabelle again because her plump arms were thin and weary, and her face was creased with years of hard work and pain, but she still loved Charley and she loved me, however I did not need as much protecting as Charley. But that is another story when you're ready for it. Charley and I knew that true love was to be found in the warm arms of a wonderful black woman.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


"THE GOD GAMES: Heaven & Hell," CHAPTER FOUR............................................................................ The next video Glenna started was for the planet Earth. The beautiful blue and green jewel sparkled in the light from a bright sun, and a single moon rotated around her. My heart leapt with joyful recognition. Scene after scene unfolded; all the colors of the rainbow in the sky, the waters, the fish, the animals, the birds, the flowers. Human beings were black, brown, white, yellow, red and all of the shadings in between. There were mountains, valleys, deserts; plains, forests, jungles; oceans, lakes, rivers; such unspeakable richness. Then other scenes unfolded: murders; wars; hate; prejudice. it seemed that revenge and greed were the basis for most human actions on Earth. Theirs' was certainly a primitive planet. However, as the video continued, I saw a small boy rescue a large dog from a rain-swollen river; so I felt some hope. Maybe there was enough love available on this planet for it to advance spiritually. Something inside of me told me that I would like to take part in making this happen. I felt a challenge before me, and could hardly wait to engage in this experience. "I think that's the one, Glenna. I feel engaged with that planet, as if there was something there for me to do." "Well, Ann, I thought that planet might interest you, however, let's also look at Sylvan before you decide. Sylvan is very much like Earth, but I think you'll see the difference, and you just might change your mind." Glenna slipped the Sylvan video into the machine and soon there appeared on the screen a planet that must be Earth's twin sister. There were the same sun and moon; the same geography; and the same marvelous occurence of color in the people, and in all nature. I wondered what was going on here, were there two Earths? I had never heard of such a thing. I continued watching the video, this time concentrating on the people themselves. I watched for some time and got the feeling that something was missing. What am I missing, I thought, everything looks the same and yet there was something; and then I caught it. It was peaceful. No wars were going on; the people were not fighting amongst themselves, and there was no separation of people into categories such as color, race, religion, or nationality. There appeared to be one benevolent government (and if that's not an oxymoron I don't know one!) "What am I seeing, Glenna? I see it but I just don't quite get it!" "Well, not to worry Ann, it is very subtle what you are observing. Sylvan is an alternate dimension of Earth. It is Earth as if very different choices were made by the humans on the planet. The people of Sylvan have never chosen violence, or hatred, instead they have chosen love and the best of possibilities for each other and the world they tend. What do you think now?" "It is very tempting to go to Sylvan, but you know, I'm feeling hesitancy at the thought. I don't see a very great opportunity to work on my weaknesses; to grow up and choose correct paths for myself. I know it sounds kind of dumb, but it looks too easy; not enough challenge." Glenna didn't answer to that but merely took the Sylvan video out of the machine. "So you are choosing to return to Earth again; back into the fray? Having to struggle for every understanding; for every bit of knowledge; for every crumb of love?" "I guess I have Glenna; I know I have. Thank you for showing me this." We remained quiet in the room for some time; just sat staring at the darkened screen. Then with a deep sigh, I asked Glenna what was next on the program. She said that she had a wonderful surprise coming up for me next and that we would rest in the garden outside while all the preparations were being made.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


"THE GOD GAMES:Legend of Kor"...Chapter Four...Choosing your planet of birth............................................ "Well, Ann," said Glenna, when we had finished our lunch in the Past Lives Pavillion, "I think you're going to like the next place we're going to, the Worlds of the Cosmos Library, because you'll get a chance to see different planets that are in the constraints of time and space, and get to choose which world you want to go to next. So let's get going; if you're ready. We walked to the next building; an enormous building with a sapphire roof-at the entrance, in gold letters, it said, "Worlds of the Cosmos." The entrance hall ceiling had a working model of the Sombrero Galaxy, a spiral galaxy. To the left and right lay wings of a huge library with row after row of books. Above the arch leading into the left side of the Library were the letters A to L, and above the arch leading into the right side of the library were the letters M to Z. The rooms were carpeted in 2" deep plush, so much fun to walk on. We chose to enter the right side of the library and Glenna showed me that the books were filled with videos. She explained that each row represented a galaxy in the Cosmos and on the shelves of each row were books of videos showing each star, and its planets, in that galaxy. On a table at the start of each row, was a large encyclopedic book of the galaxy represented in that row. We stopped at the first encyclopedia table and looked at the pictures of planets in the Mentaur galaxy. Nothing from that galaxy tugged at my heart, although each planet was unique and very beautiful. So we went around the room, taking it easy, looking through the encyclopedia for each galaxy. When we had circled the room and had looked through the encyclopedia of each of the M through Z galaxies, Glenna steered me through a door that opened into a large area filled with couches and fireplaces. A warm, inviting room with tables covered in cut up fruits and vegetables. There were deep vats of dressings and platters of richly crusted breads. Under domed glass trays were servings of every type of cheese imaginable, and fountains tinkled with iced fruit juices. Glenna and I filled our trays and found a deep red couch to snuggle into. On the hearth in front of us, were curled a pair of white Persian kittens, kneading their paws relexively in their sleep. We just relaxed and didn't speak for a while. My mind went over the pictures we had been looking at, and I was deeply in awe at the wide-ranging landscapes in the different galaxies. "Did any of the galaxies stand out to you, Ann?" asked Glenna. "Well, when we came to the Milky Way galaxy, several planets seemed familiar; seemed to tug at my heart." "That's not surprising Ann, you have spent many life games on the planets in that galaxy: MX-11; Earth; and Sylvan. When we go back in, we'll take out videos on those planets and see if you'd be interested in choosing one of them for your new life game." After finishing our meal, we strolled back into the M to Z library and found the Milky-Way-Galaxy row. There, we chose video books on the planets MX-11, Earth, and Sylvan. Then Glenna led me out of the library area and to the back of the "World's of the Cosmos" building where there were several sets of large dark-blue doors. Opening a set of doors, Glenna led me into a semi-dark room where there were other sets of doors. Opening a door on our left, we entered a room that had a huge screen on one end. In front of the screen were two recliners, and between them a table with another large wooden box with a slot for inserting the videos we had brought. We got comfortable and Glenna inserted the video for MX-11. MX-11 was a small gray planet with two moons. Its surface was stark desert. There were four large oceans, and three spiky, orange mountain ranges. Huge steel and glass cities floated a hundred feet above the desert floor. Inside of the city-enclosures could be seen fields and trees, lakes and waterfalls. The scene was ethereally beautiful, but something about it made my heart sad. I motioned to Glenna to stop the video. The next video Glenna started was for the planet be continued.

Friday, February 17, 2012

On writing Science Fiction at the Ripe Old Age of 80 (cont.)

Welcome my dear friend. Before I finish the above story I will share with you that I am constantly asked why on earth I choose to write in the Science Fiction genre. As if it is somehow not as important as other literature. I write Science Fiction because it lets my imagination run free and I can be very creative in building new worlds and inhabiting them with wonderful people (some call them aliens). Science Fiction is the literature of change and I can propose whole philosophies and economic systems and test them against human nature. I love all manner of Science Fiction story and if you also have the crave for fresh, new sci-fi short stories then I recommend to you: ........................................................................................................................ This is my philosophy that I share with you for a moment. I feel like I need to write down my thoughts for my family and friends. IT is all about LOVE. The great truths are that we are love and that we are one with the entire Cosmos; God. I have begun to understand that we are all one. That what hurts you; hurts me also. That what brings joy to you; brings joy to me. I am responsible for treating you with loving kindness, for treating you with respect and dignity. For when I honor you, I honor my own self. We are one, my friend, and we are also one with everyone and everything in this universe. We are love, and love is not a weak, ephemeral feeling, but the great FORCE, the great energy, that runs the Cosmos. That is the Cosmos. I do not "own" anything spiritual alone, for all belongs to all. You may hold a fine object in your poessession all of your life and believe that you own it. That is quite different from owning its essence; its spirit. God loves you just as you are right now. He loves all of his children and hears them, is with them, at all times. He cares deeply if we choose him, but he loves us so much that he has given us free will and freedom of choice in all that we do; he has given us our freedom. There are no rules to God's love. It is free and does not quantify or qualify. It is boundless as the skies. It is infinite. All of us are one with God and we are his representatives of love. The concept of guilt is a bunch of bunk. It gets in the way of our recognizing who we are. Of course we feel remorse when we hurt another person, and we repent and mend the situation, but once we have shown love and compassion to the person we hurt we must let go of the negative feelings in our heart regarding this subject. To do else is to subtract time from more worthy pursuits. The worthy pursuit is to grow in love and in expressing that love. Once you realize that you do love, then you realize that there is no fault in you that has not been overcome by the greatest love of all, God. You know that you are a part of the whole, the one; that there is nothing that cannot be forgiven. If we hate something it is because we sense in it some part within ourselves that we have hidden and not faced. Hate has to be worked at, it is not a natural reaction; our natural response is to love whatever comes into our lives; indeed to love ourselves and all that is around us. Each of us is a single frequency in the grand opera of existence: unique, but one part of a complete whole. I have made so many errors in thinking and acting in my lifetime. Sometimes I am mortified at the amount of hurt I have managed to inflict upon my family and friends, the thought makes me shiver with sorrow and pain. Too often I have judged my fellow brothers and sisters and have had to live what they have suffered in order to understand their feelings; this is a hard way to get through life and finally you come to a point where you accept folks just as they are because you are the same and know it; maybe a little different story is all. Have a fine day and evening my friend, and tomorrow I will start to bring you Chapter Four of "THE GOD GAMES: Heaven and Hell.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

On writing Science Fiction at the Ripe Old Age of 80

My dear friend, thank you for coming here today and giving me encouragement and understanding. I figure that you must be wondering what an 80 year old woman can have to say about science fiction; what can my dreams be like you must ask yourself. I invite you into the secret room in my heart and share with you this perspective that I come from. I was born before televisions came into the home; any home. I have watched tv from its birth through its rough teenage years and through a ripening of technology where we can watch Israeli basketball games on one of 500+ channels possible to us. What a rich treasure trove of inanity and spectacular pathways to knowledge and experience the television brings into our homes every minute of the day. We can experience science and history; the Cosmos, the atom; Art, Music, Comedy, goes on endlessly and you have to be very judicious with your television time to make the most of all the opportunities. I was born when computers were science fiction and fell in love with a computer the size of an airplane hangar. I then had a career in technology and watched as the computer grew wings and flew onto a desktop in every home in America and a great deal of the world. Now I have, as I am sure you do, facebook friends from all over the world, and wonder of wonders, we speak the same language of love and music and the Arts and science. We feel alike, we are alike-though each of us unique-and we are one human family. Think of it! We feel alike, we feel pain and love alike; and more than that we are all one with the Cosmos. Which brings me to Science Fiction. I deeply believe that there are other inhabited planets in the Cosmos and that the souls that we meet one day will also be very unique and probably quite a bit different from ourselves, BUT that they will feel deeply as we feel; the pain and the love. There will be the positive and the negative as is always the case when dealing with beings who have free will and freedom of choice, but we shall find that we are one with them also. ---------------------------------------- I am beginning to feel elderly. No more do I just walk out of my home before taking in weather reports and conditions for my area. In the winter I cannot any longer go outside without suitable garb and protection on. In the winter it is coats and scarves and hats, and in the summer it is sunblock, sunglasses, and a light sweater in case the breeze should cool off towards evening. At all times I wear the dreaded sensible shoes and now the doctor insists that I walk with a cane as I have osteopenia and a little balance problem. Vanity goes out the window as you age. Every morning I awake and rejoice that I am alive and kicking. I find myself cleaning the house every morning, which is much different from when I was younger, but I like to have the sense of order around me. As well as the fact, that if I don't put things in a certain place I will have lost them forever as my memory in some areas is very dim. All of the data is still in the organic computer but access to the data is running a little more slowly. Food is the focal organizing point of the day; three set meals mark each part of the day, and the cleaning up of those meals give the day substance and balance. The second organizing factor of the day is taking care of your health. There are the monthly doctor appointments, the organizing and taking of multiple medications and vitamin/minerals, and the monitoring of yourself and your diet. The month is ruled by going to the various doctor appointments which entail walking a mile to the bus, taking the bus to your destination, walking to the doctor's office, and then turning around and repeating the process in reverse. It has become very hard to get out and do all of the walking and taking of the bus, but those steps are very necessary to my health so I do them. I have become ever more aware of my own self and it seems that I can clearly distinguish the outline between my spirit and my flesh. I wonder often if I can hear the music of Heaven for the music is very enticing that runs through my mind. I feel my own mortality and it drags me down to earth. I teeter on the edge of a terror that I will harm myself in some dumb way just like I broke the end joint of my right index finger and I have no idea of how I broke it. It makes you really feel safe to walk out into the outside world. I have become the matriarch of a large interracial family and that is humbling and exciting at the same time. It is what I have definitley always prayed for, but now I have so many young people looking at me to see if I am as good as my word and what I teach them. I pray hard every day to grow ever wiser and stronger and to know what to say to each of them. I pray that I will live what I teach. This is my philosophy that I share with you for a moment. I feel like I need to write down my thoughts for my family and friends. It is all about love. The great truths are that we are love and that we are be continued.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"THE GOD GAMES:Legend of Kor"...(cont.) Chapter One

There are four rivers that divide Kor into four roughly-equal sections; the Lantel, the Mondel, the Salis, and the Avondel. Kor is cooler than Earth with an average temperature of 68 degrees; a high of 80 degrees, and a low of 20 degrees. There is a huge dormant volcano, Vulpan, in the center of Kor, and mountain ranges encircle it. The Korians speak a single language, but each region has its own dialect. Usually speech is done through telepathy but there are certain orks, skrees, and whistles for warnings and greetings. ONE has sent the four of us, Tom, Ed, Glenna, and me, to Kor to listen to the people's prayers; observe the actions of all four peoples; and get to know the leaders of the resistance movements to give them our support and suggestions. It has been reported, that Selve is being ruled by a very bigoted dictator, Gog, who wants to annihilate the Wales, whom he considers a backward and primitive people, who do not deserve the rich land that they possess; and on which they grow 95% of the food for all of Kor. Gog has moved several special weapons forces into Emon, Voun, and Wale in an effort to capture any Walean who is traveling alone. The Wales are shot or strangled, and left lying by the side of the road as an example to all of what his intentions are. In Voun and Emon, his men capture as many people as possible to be their slaves and work in their gold and silver mines. Gog has written a treatise detailing his desire to annihilate all of the Wales. When they are exterminated, he will then own all of their farmlands and can control all of the other countries with threats of starvation. He would control all agriculture, the precious opalescent fish that are such a delicacy, and he waould also control the sugar beet, a narcotic plant, so he could greatly raise its price. Kor is the second planet from the sun, Veral. The closest planet to Veral is tiny Ermit with one moon. Kor is second and has one moon, about half the size of Earth's moon. The third planet is Notel with five small moons and a ring like Saturn. The fourth, and largest, planet is Wanden with three large moons, and last there is Leven, about half the size of Kor,with one medium sized moon. Veral is large, but only about three-fourths the size of Earth's sun, and although quite bright, does not give off as much heat as Earth's sun. I began to hear people stirring, and so I came down off of the ceiling and started the coffee pot going.

Friday, February 10, 2012

"THE GOD GAMES:Legend of Kor"...Chapter One

(Contuned from 2/10/12) My name is Ann Nelson and I am floating one foot from the ceiling, which is made of high-tensile crystal, watching the stars flash by. Actually, the stars and I are speeding in opposite directions. Me and my three energynaut companions; Ed Nelson, Thomas Boyle, and Glenna Boyle,are sent by God in answer to prayers from His children and are on our way to Kor which is part of the Veral Solar System, in the Strang Galaxy. Life doesn't get any better than this; well it would be better if Ed were by my side, but he is asleep now, recharging. It is so beautiful in the morning, and I am glad that I have a few moments alone. Glenna will be up soon and we'll create some breakfast for the men when they get up. Our ship is oblong in shape. We use anti-matter for fuel, when it meets matter it explodes, powering the ship. Our ship can go very close to the speed of light. We have anti-gravity thrusters to turn the ship and to land us gently on a planet. The ship can become invisible at the press of a button. We have four anti-matter rockets that fire in both directions and two particle beam weapons for dog fights. Our ship is made of crystal and gold that looks metallic from the outside, but we can see the outside, all around, because our ship has a see-through shell to those of us who are inside her. The ship is divided into four sections: two living quarters with a bath, a double bed, and a wrap-around dresser that doubles as the two computer's desk in each quarter; a small kitchen with a dining nook; and a bridge in the front of the ship that contains the ship's operating controls. There is a large map table in the center of the ship. As I was saying, we are going to the planet Kor. Kor is about one-third the size of Earth and has one large land mass, and one large ice world, surrounded by a huge ocean names Olan. The land of Kor is about the size of Australia on Earth, about three million square miles, and has approximately 8 million people living there. There are foue races of people living in separate countries: Emon; Voun; Selve; and Wale. The Emons are a light blue color; the Vouns are a soft lavendar shade; the Wales are a light orange color (like a tiger's coat); and finally, the Selves are a light green shade. All Korians tend to be tall and slender with long necks, short black hair, and brown or black eyes. They are amphibian-mammals with gills in their neck and slightly-webbed long fingers and toes that are bulbous at the tips. They have a long torso with powerful legs and long, strong arms. The people are pretty equally divided between the four countries, and the four countries are approximately the same size-about three quarters of a million square miles; although Emon and Voun are slightly larger than Selve and Wale. The Korians can go for extended underwater swims in the ocean and the rivers, but choose to spend 95% of their time on land. Their skin is cool and slightly moist. They have a great need for salt and can drink either salt water or fresh water. (To be continued tomorrow) by D.R. Hirsch

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Tzvi placed one orange foot in front of the other and advanced slowly in the line to the buckets. The buckets were overflowing and the stench of bodily fluids was atrocious. He could feel his bowels full of hot liquid and dreaded that he may lose control of them before reaching the buckets. Tzvi knew he had dysentery, but his kind were not treated medically in the camp. He knew he would get no help. A crust of bread and some watery cabbage soup were all he had eaten in two days. Tzvi knew death was inevitable, either through malnutrition and dysentery, or by taking a wrong step and just being shot by the guards who watched their every move. He could not believe that a man like Gog could exist. Who ever heard of killing a person just because of the color of their skin and their different culture! Surely Gog would be judged by God and they would all be saved; he prayed that God would spare his people, but in his heart Tzvi knew the secret of the dark buildings that belched an evil smoke. The line to the buckets moved slowly. Shots rang out. Tzvi and fifty other Walean men lay in pools of blood on the path to the buckets. __________ ONE (God) cradled Tzvi and his brethren in His energy. All pains immediately ceased to exist and joy returned and blossomed anew. Heaven, home, oh the joy! Tzvi stretched, and felt the freedom of his energy form. Suddenly it all came rushing back to him. The game, the life game, the purpose for his life on Kor, flooded his mind. ONE created the Cosmos and all within it from his own energy. He was pleased with all of his creations but felt a tug of lonliness, and soon found himself bored because he could neither share his creations, nor experience them, on his own. In lieu of this he created energy forms (people's spirits) and then created the God Games which entailed sending his energy forms into newly created worlds to play life games, and to experience much in their life games. A life game is a lifetime on any planet in the Cosmos. The purpose of a life game is to exercise your free will and freedom of choice while following the paths that you created in Heaven before being born. All energy forms in the entire Cosmos go through the process of choosing the parameters of their next life game, in Heaven, before they are born, and their life games are Hell on any planet that energy forms choose to live on. After death on your planet of choice, you return to Heaven again and find out if you have won your game or not. If you do not win your life game, you must go through another life game, and continue doing this until you win your game. The people of Kor had no idea that they were playing life games. They did not know that ONE had once been bored and had created life games to ease his boredom and lonliness and so that he could also experience his creation through the life games that his energy forms play. ONE thus experiences all of his creations. ONE was no longer bored. As ONE gathered Tzvi and his brothers in his arms of love, he told them that they could rejoice as they had won their life games and would remain with him forever. ONE saw into the sadness of their hearts, as they ached for the loved ones left behind in the camps and in Wale, and promised them that he would answer their prayers and free their loved ones from the tyranny of Gog. Tzvi and his brethren were comforted, and told ONE of their profound love and gratitude. Then they practiced flying, and thought-travel (once you are an energy form again, you are pure energy and can travel at the speed of light.) ______________ To be continued tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Time. Time. Time. Elusive. Fleeting. A function of control-perception in this little world of ours. Useful to keep us grounded, to calculate distance, to measure the past, and define a future. The essence of infinity is energy, not time. If you want to keep time, then realize that it is vertical-all things happen in one instant. Anything that can be imagined, IS. Time, Time, Time. Elusive. Fleeting. Let's jump into another dimension. Together. Alone. With all this world. by Davalene Hirsch

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"THE WORLD IN FLUX (Our Souls in Flux)"

The world seems static to out limited perceptions. But volcanoes flare, and earthquakes shake; new islands born, new gullies washed. So with our souls, always in change; a new epiphany invites a new path. The galaxies in flux, our world seems a tiny rock, but water wears and fire builds. It is all in eternal flux; all an eternal epiphany. Fear not change, for it builds growth, and in this game of life and death, what does not change, does not exist.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Praise Me, says God, and I will know that you love Me. Curse Me, says God, and I will know that you love Me. Praise Me, or curse Me, And I will know that you love Me. Sing out My graces, says God, Raise your fist against Me and revile, says God. Sing out graces or revile, Reviling is also a kind of praise, says God. But if you sit fenced off in your apathy, says God, If you sit entrenched in, "I don't give a hang," says God If you look at the stars and yawn, If you see suffering and don't cry out, If you don't praise and you don't revile, Then I created you in vain, says God. by Aaron Zeitlin. Interested in looking at a fascinating Philosophy site? Vist: A simple solution to the problems of philosophy-on truth, reality, and the love of wisdom.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Dear Friend, I apologize for the appearance of the last post. It was supposed to be in poetry form, but I have not yet discovered how to make it come out that way. I'll do some studying and try it again. Thank you for understanding, Davalene


There is no dicotomy Between God and Science. Scientific discovery Is the unfolding knowledge of God's mind. (In counterbalance to the minister): "There can only be one truth!" (There are a million.) "God cannot, He will not allow!" (God does every day as He watches us fall.) "No television! No comics! No dancing!" he says. "They are the Devil's workshop... "God will never allow man to go to the moon!" All these things the pastor said (as I made my roof and steeple) If God is love, What is he talking about? Sunday morning sermons, Circa 1949, Made me go straight out of my mind. Whatever is he saying? The man is a fool. God speaks of loving one another As He has loved us; Science writes the poetry of God's mind. There is no dicotomy Between God and Science. Scientific discovery Unravels the mysteries of God's mind. Scientific discovery is the unfolding Knowledge of God's mind. Davalene R. Hirsch

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Science Fiction & the Theology of Love

I write about your dreams and your worst nightmares; love and the negativity of hate; compassion and xenophobia.
We see the creation of the Cosmos and of our own unique energy forms. Then the games begin-THE GOD GAMES. Wherein we energy forms create life games-a life time on any planet in the Cosmos-in Heaven before being born on the world and in the dimension of our choice.
In Heaven, we choose the planet to live our life game on; choose our family; choose our sexuality; choose our complexion and culture; and set up a golden pathway, which followed will lead us to a win of our life game.
Winning your life game means that we will remain in Heaven infinitely. Loosing your life game means returning to Heaven for a short time in order to create, and then be born into, another life game. This process is repeated until you win your life game.
To win your life game you must come to the end of your life and have love in your heart for every person, and all of God's creations; to know that you are indeed love itself. Also, you recognize the unity of mankind and all of nature, and you realize that the energy that makes up your energy form came from the energy of God. Indeed, that God created each of us from His own energy.

Thank you for coming to visit my site. I really appreciate your time and thought in coming here. I will try to intrigue you and interest you in looking into my writings. I will always try to be open as I discuss my ideas and passions.
The first thing that I would have to say is that God loves you just as you are right now. You may feel that you are not good enough somehow to expect Him to love you, but I tell you that every single person is loved by God and is special and unique to God, JUST AS THEY ARE.
As you are traveling along the path of your current life game, the science fiction books I write will help you to understand your own path. I will tell you that if you were here with me right now I would love you also; for who you are right now.
I write science fiction because I believe in the future and its greatness, and I believe that there are millions of other inhabited planets in the Cosmos. I believe that those people are very much like ourselves. They may look different from us because of their different worlds and how they have evolved on their planets physically. But they have the same soul, and heart, and mind that we also share because we were created by the same creator. Their cultures may seem foreign to us, but their hearts respond to love and hate and all of the other emotions that our's do.
The great force of love guides and directs all persons in the Cosmos. There will be the bad, and the good, and the in-between amongst all peoples. There will be dramas and wars, peace and love in my books, and we will explore other civilizations on other worlds and attempt to understand the nature and purpose of all peoples.