Friday, February 10, 2012

"THE GOD GAMES:Legend of Kor"...Chapter One

(Contuned from 2/10/12) My name is Ann Nelson and I am floating one foot from the ceiling, which is made of high-tensile crystal, watching the stars flash by. Actually, the stars and I are speeding in opposite directions. Me and my three energynaut companions; Ed Nelson, Thomas Boyle, and Glenna Boyle,are sent by God in answer to prayers from His children and are on our way to Kor which is part of the Veral Solar System, in the Strang Galaxy. Life doesn't get any better than this; well it would be better if Ed were by my side, but he is asleep now, recharging. It is so beautiful in the morning, and I am glad that I have a few moments alone. Glenna will be up soon and we'll create some breakfast for the men when they get up. Our ship is oblong in shape. We use anti-matter for fuel, when it meets matter it explodes, powering the ship. Our ship can go very close to the speed of light. We have anti-gravity thrusters to turn the ship and to land us gently on a planet. The ship can become invisible at the press of a button. We have four anti-matter rockets that fire in both directions and two particle beam weapons for dog fights. Our ship is made of crystal and gold that looks metallic from the outside, but we can see the outside, all around, because our ship has a see-through shell to those of us who are inside her. The ship is divided into four sections: two living quarters with a bath, a double bed, and a wrap-around dresser that doubles as the two computer's desk in each quarter; a small kitchen with a dining nook; and a bridge in the front of the ship that contains the ship's operating controls. There is a large map table in the center of the ship. As I was saying, we are going to the planet Kor. Kor is about one-third the size of Earth and has one large land mass, and one large ice world, surrounded by a huge ocean names Olan. The land of Kor is about the size of Australia on Earth, about three million square miles, and has approximately 8 million people living there. There are foue races of people living in separate countries: Emon; Voun; Selve; and Wale. The Emons are a light blue color; the Vouns are a soft lavendar shade; the Wales are a light orange color (like a tiger's coat); and finally, the Selves are a light green shade. All Korians tend to be tall and slender with long necks, short black hair, and brown or black eyes. They are amphibian-mammals with gills in their neck and slightly-webbed long fingers and toes that are bulbous at the tips. They have a long torso with powerful legs and long, strong arms. The people are pretty equally divided between the four countries, and the four countries are approximately the same size-about three quarters of a million square miles; although Emon and Voun are slightly larger than Selve and Wale. The Korians can go for extended underwater swims in the ocean and the rivers, but choose to spend 95% of their time on land. Their skin is cool and slightly moist. They have a great need for salt and can drink either salt water or fresh water. (To be continued tomorrow) by D.R. Hirsch

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