Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The Lord has blessed my life with six children, by birth, and two separate step-parent experiences that blessed me first with four additional children and then 21 years later, with three additional children. Then there are the children who are mates to my children and who become my children also. This leaves my current count at 18 children; all very much loved for their own unique qualities.

My children have minds of their own and each one is very different from the other. When we get together their are some wild debates on many subjects. I don't remember teaching them to be such strong individuals but somehow they got the message. What I remember is giving them room to think for themselves and then accepting each one for their own personalities and choices in life.

Their religious beliefs are very varied; none of them believe the same thing in the same way. One son is a very strong atheist and very vocal about his beliefs; four are born-again Christians and are in a constant state of prayer; two are Wicca; five belong to different Christian faiths; two are Catholic; two are Jewish; and two are very spiritual.

How do I handle all of the different passions and beliefs? I listen carefully to each one of them and I have learned something, or lots of things, from each of the children. That way, I get many different perspectives on a subject and it helps me to compare beliefs and spot strengths and weaknesses in their ideas. It really challenges my mind and gives me an insight into many people before I ever have a chance to learn things about them on my own.

They each raise their own children differently from one another and sometimes when many of us get together the children speak from their innocence and make all of us really stop and think about our own take on religion; or politics.

Politics is another subject that they all feel differently about. I have those who are very conservative, and some who are very liberal. I taught them all to love America and to be fair to all of the other nations in the world. Not to be an ugly American, but to try to see others' points of view and understand their history and ways of thinking. To relish and enjoy each others' culture, art, and music.

I cannot say that it is easy to moderate their various passions, but I am so glad that they are each strong in what they believe and most do not try to force their opinions on the others, but I do like to discuss their ideas. It can get very hot sometimes, but to this point no one has gotten into a physical fight and we have all ended up still loving each other and rather glad that we each have our own mind and can think without guilt.

I strongly believe in thinking and studying, and then making up ones' own mind about a subject or idea. It is not a sin to think, but rather the great challenge. Question everyone and everything, for by doing so you respect the mind and heart that the good Lord has given to you. Consider different ideas, for you may find a tiny part of whatever discussion is at hand to be mind-opening and heart expanding. Everyone receives insight when they seek out knowledge. Their is no guilt to be found in being different than others around you, or thinking differently about any question. "Ask and it shall be given unto you; Seek and you shall find; and Knock and it shall be opened unto you." (Matthew 7:7) A.S.K.

I hope you have a very good day and that all is well with you and your family.

Love Diversity!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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