Monday, August 6, 2012


Today we are present at one of Gog's rages against his generals and the beginning of the end for Selve.

THE GOD GAMES:Legend of KOR...Chapter Nine                                                                              

The four generals stared at Gog with fear in their hearts.

Gog paced with his hands twisted in knots behind his back. He punctuated his pacing by slamming the objects he ran across onto the floor or throwing other objects as far as he could throw them.

"Fools! Fools! What a damn bunch of morons; no one seems to take a direct order anymore," Gog mumbled to himself. "How could my soldiers dare to run away and get themselves killed? I'll find that one idiot who ran away and lived, and hang him in front of the Fuseball Stadium for an example to all of my soldiers."

"What's the name of that soldier who has been talking about my soldiers getting wiped out by the Vouns?"

"Thomas Riley," said General Lowe. "He is a 19 year old private; he also has a big mouth."

"I want you to find him and bring him into headquarters," commanded Gog. "Tomorrow evening when we have our rally, I am going to hang him before all of the other soldiers and the people. They all need a stern example of what happens when you run away from your duties."

"Yes, sir!" answered General Lowe, "We will have it all prepared for you."

"Now, next subject on the agenda: how to make Voun suffer for daring to kill my soldiers. What is going on in Voun; when did they get organized enough to create an army?"

"Well sir," said General Avery, "Our intelligence officers tell us that not only has Voun created a small army, but Wale has a regular army and Emon has also built up a small resistance army."

"What!" screamed Gog, "just when were you going to tell me this? Are you angling to depose me as your leader? What do you have in mind? I get all the information first, BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, and never forget it again or you'll be the second person hanging in the breeze at our next rally!"

"Yes, sir," said all four generals in unison.

"Well, don't forget again, and now, tell me some way to punish Voun."

"Well, sir, we've already been at work in Voun. We capture at least 500 people a week and put them to work in  the labor camps or in other businesses around the country. Two of their teenage children work in my home as slaves," said General Avery.

"Are we raping and pillaging?" Asked Gog.

"Yes, we are very good at that and we have been greatly demoralizing the people with our ferocity and pitilessness. We give no quarter. We take what we will and do as we will.

"Before this incident, we never had any word or contact with a Voun Army; the Vouns were helpless before us. Now I still do not fear a Voun Army. They are a small group, poorly armed, no training to speak of, and I understand that they are led by a woman," said General Vean.

The Walean Army is so small that they cannot even take care of trouble in their own land, let alone cause us any worry. The Emons have a tiny resistance army, but we have seen none of their actions and do not count them as a threat. Also, remember that here in Selve we have heard reports of an underground resistance army that is here within our own borders. They are regularly raiding the internment camps to kill Selve soldiers, and they ambush us on the trails. They are definitely a problem to us," said General Rusk.

Tomorrow Gog gives direct orders to his generals.

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