Friday, September 14, 2012


We find the leaders and the energynauts at their third meeting aboard the space ship discussing war plans and preparing for another trip on the space ship.

THE GOD GAMES: Legend of Kor...Chapter Eighteen
"My soldiers in the Special Forces unit will first of all be caring for, and protecting, the inhabitants of the internment camps. We will need to have a huge burial task force, and then we will need to help the inmates get back home again. When we are through addressing these problems, then we can march on to Mano if you still need help," offered Bond.

"Miriam, what do you have to say?" asked Tom.

"I am very proud of the reactions of my people and soldiers. The soldiers are ready to start marching tomorrow morning and they are really anxious to begin. I am also glad that Sam has volunteered the soldiers for temporary duty in Selve and we can also provide food and salt for the Selves once the war is over," replied Miriam.

Ed spoke up at that moment and said that he was so glad that we had been sent to Kor, that the people were worthy of all our help and were showing themselves to be heroes of the highest order.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" asked Tom.

No one responded further, so Tom said that we could relax and have lunch and then go for a flight over all of the borders of Kor.

Glenna and I prepared and served scalloped potatoes, poached sea bass, tossed salad, almond string beans, and cheescake covered with fresh pitted cherries for dessert.

We had a long, leisurely, lunch and we had all become such close friends that it was almost a celebratory event. All of our adrenaline had begun to pump and we almost wished that this was the day we attacked Selve.

After cleaning up lunch, Tom, Ed, Glenna, and I, went ahead and prepared for the flight. Everyone fastened their seat belts and harnesses; we locked up everything that was loose; and then we were ready to go.

Once again, we shot up high and made a single trip around all of Kor. It looked so peaceful from the air. Then, Tom guided the ship to a hundred feet above the ground. We were in invisible mode. We started over Wale and searched the land between Wale and Selve. We were unable to spot any spies between Selve and north Wale because the tree canopy was too dense in that area.

We flew low over Voun and we were able to see the Selve troops lined up along her borders. We could see trucks carrying food to the mess tents set up along the Mondel River and along the ocean borders.

Next, we flew low over the internment camps and saw even more bodies stacked to dizzying heights. We worried that we might lose a lot more of the internees before next week. We all prayed that  we would not be too late to save most of their lives.

We flew over Selve and saw that her borders were covered with Gog's soldiers, armed to the hilt. There seemed to be a lot more soldiers then we had anticipated. In Mano soldiers were marching in the streets and on some streets, crowds had gathered and were pelting soldiers with whatever they could get their hands on.

We witnessed one incident where the soldiers turned on the crowds and opened fire. We saw dozens drop before the rest of the crowd ran off to another corner to harass the soldiers there.

Selve seemed to be in turmoil, and Wills was plainly distraught. "Just one more week, and I pray for order," he said.

We crossed into Emon and saw the huge build-up of Selve soldiers on her border. Lucy looked worried, but she had a lot of faith in generals Oates, Rand, and Cummings and her soldiers. As we passed Emon's ocean borders, and along the Lantel River, we saw her troops training and Lucy seemed reassured.

We then had a pretty good idea of where everything laid and Tom decided to take us on a trip into outer space away from Kor's gravity.

We flew around the planet Notel, looking for life of any kind. It seemed to be a barren planet, except that there were two oceans and two land masses. We wondered if there might be life in her oceans, but the land masses had no trees or grass so we thought it unlikely that there was life, as we knew it, on the land.

Finally, we returned to the ship's base, unstrapped our belts and harnesses, and relaxed.

Tom called us to order again, and then he began to speak. "Next Sunday we will all be involved with the war and only Adam, Wills, Ed, and I will come to the ship and take her for a trip around the borders to see what the status is. We will then send the rest of you a message with the new radio system that General Coleman has perfected. Now, all of our troops will be in constant touch with each other, and you will all hear me when I tell you that it is time to attack; that Gog is dead."

Tomorrow the energynauts make plans to take spy missions to Gog's Palace and to the death camps, to assess the dangers to be faced there.

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